The T@book Launch Event

T@book, 16/02/2023.

By Raluca Mefa

T@book, a pioneering edtech startup based in Cluj-Napoca, proudly launched the T@book Challenge on January 27, 2023 at ABC Incubator. The event was a resounding success, attracting a large number of participants and members of the press (, ).

In addition to the highly anticipated creative writing competition, T@Book also debuted the public beta release of their T@book app, now readily accessible to users. The app's library serves as the first of many features to come, further solidifying T@Book's position as a leader in edtech.

The launch of the T@book Challenge and the T@book app's public beta release mark a significant milestone for T@Book and the start of a new era in creative writing and education technology.

The T@book Challenge

The event began with a warm welcome from T@Book's CEO, Ștefan Vâju, who introduced the T@book Challenge and highlighted its key features, jury members, and participating artists, many of whom were in attendance. All the details about the challenge can be viewed here, where you can also sign up.

Next, Florentin Bota, the CTO of T@Book, took the stage to give a live demonstration of the app and its recently launched features. He showcased the platform's library, where users can store their books and connect with the wider community. The demonstration ended with a short contest for attendees to try their hand at indexing books into the app.

T@Book extends its gratitude to everyone who participated in the event, including the jury members, artists, guests, and partner companies. The jury panel, comprised of Binaca Tămaș, the organizer of the Transilvania International Book Festival; Doru Șupeală, the CEO of SPOR and Playmaker Consulting Company; Mihai Dăncilă, the representative of organizations and partners; Nicolina Halgaș, award-winning author; and Victor Miron, the founder of "Cărțile pe față", will be reviewing the contestants' submissions and selecting the challenge's winners.

T@Book also acknowledges and appreciates the artists who bring diversity and color to the competition through their cultural backgrounds and contributions. These artists include Giuseppe Giglio, Sebastian Luca, Mihai Plătică, Mazerschi Sergiu, Denisa Curta, and Ștefan Vâju Jr.

T@Book is thankful to its partners, including Alfa Software, Arobs, Consilio Web, Electroglobal, Fundația Autonom, Iulius Mall, Rebeldot, Rombat, Salt&Pepper, Sinapsis, Vitraq, and Simacek, who have made this venture possible.

For those who want to be a part of our journey, the T@book Challenge can be accessed from here and the Tabook app can be downloaded by clicking on the following link
